Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Daily three

Day three in Sakhnovschina

It is raining today! Wet and depressing :)

We slept in yesterday, but John was up at 8:30 this morning to walk to get Oleg by 9 a.m. I lounged around reading and enjoying the brief quiet. By the time John and Oleg got here I was read for the day.

We started by having breakfast. John and Oleg stopped by the market for fresh brown eggs. Somehow John figured out a way to use the microwave oven here and made an omelet style pie with eggs, potato, ham, and cheese. Paired with juice it was soooooo yummy!

After breakfast we walked into town looking for some of the items we needed for the apartment. First at foremost we needed a hot plate so we could boil water, fry and cook meals. Except for this mornings adventure we had been living on salami, cheese, bread, and fruit.

We hit the jackpot somewhere about 2 miles away at a little store that reminded me of a True Hardware. We bought a hotplate and pot. At another store we found dish towels, knives, salt and pepper, and microwavable dishes. We are now set.

Armed with the necessary tools to cook a fine feast, Oleg and I went to the grocery store for some raviolis. Well, my little man likes the idea of dinner at home. By the time I was done, I was walking home with a cake, bottle of Coke (Oleg loves Coke) three Snicker bars, some sort of yummy Ukrainian Chocolate covered candy, and he raviolis.

AS I type Oleg and John are in the kitchen cooking their new concoction. It smells awesome….

The day has been filled with playing cards and reading. Oleg struggles with speaking English, but reads it VERY well.


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