Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Daily two

Day two in sakhnovschina

We walked to the school with a bag of candy in hand to meet up with Oleg. He was showing his dog ‘John’ to the other children and both the girls and boys were pretty interested in it. (Quite a novelty as they have no ‘Build A Bear’ anywhere there!) Oleg handed ‘John’ to his teacher and started to give away the candy and the children loved it. At present we have only met one of Oleg’s caregivers and she seems very nice. She always has a big smile for us when we meet.

We decided to have Oleg show us where Ludy lived so we could take her our gift. I bought her a super soft robe in Kharkiv and wanted to give it to her.
We had seen her the first day we arrived at the orphanage, but only had time for a quick hug before we were whisked off to meet with the lawyer. I really wanted to visit with her an as this was Saturday we though it would be a good time.

So, Oleg walked us down a short distance from the orphanage to where Ludy lives and Ludy answered her gate. She was not expecting us but fed us a wonderful lunch. We had borsch, (out of this world delicious!) homemade bread, cheeses, salami, honey from her bees (WOW!) some coffee, tea, and cake. We had a wonderful visit with her. She showed us her family picture albums and the photos of her trip to the USA when Oleg visited. She laughed as she pointed to the one of her on the horses at our house.

Her husband was receiving a load of bricks so John and Oleg went out to help them unload. Oleg took me by the hand and led me to the living room and told me to stay there. Obviously this was ‘Mans work’. LOL! I got up a little later and took a picture. They are in the process of building a new brick fence and it looks so nice. Ludy’s yard is full of grapes, fruit trees, bees, and other food plants. She grows most of her items for their family to eat. Too soon we said good bye, but we will meet up with her again soon.

We left with Oleg to go to the store and get a few items, still in search of a hot plate to cook on. No luck. We decided to return to the apartment and teach Oleg a few card games. What a great decision! We taught him ‘Fish’ and he was a fast learner. By the time he was done he was beating John and I hands down. After a little game time we walked him back to the orphanage and said goodnight.
While walking Oleg to the front of the orphanage I am always watching the children at the orphanage. Although we are still a novelty around here, they are finally warming up a tad. When I tried to take a picture of them, they scattered. BUT, when I showed them the picture off the digital camera they all came to me smiling for a chance to see themselves.

The older girls are very sweet and motherly towards Oleg. They seem very interested in John and myself and will remind him to hug us good bye in the evening. (Not that he doesn’t want to. He just gets embarrassed while in front of his friends. He is a 12 year old boy after all). The smaller boys will come up to us and talk, especially when we have candy, but the older ones stay away. A lot of them like to show off in front of John. They will speak to him in English as if to say “look at me!” We remember daily that all these children want is a home of their own – so performances are frequent. Some of the older boys have greeted us kindly as we walk through the halls, but unfortunately they also like to holler out swear words hoping to get some negative attention. (Just a few, not all. We just ignore them and walk on. Irene says a lot of times they watch movies and all they hear are those words over and over again, so they blurt them out to see what type of reaction they will get. My thought is “Typical boys!)

We also saw Bogdon today. (He has been hosted twice by the Clobes’s at home) We were leaving Oleg’s room and he rounded the corner at the same time we did. He was shocked when John called his name and shook his hand. He wasn’t expecting to see us there! We didn’t detain him as he seemed at a loss for any communication what so ever. We also have seen Jenna a few times, but as like he was in the USA, he turns his head and says nothing to us. He is still very shy.

All in all it was a very good day with our son J


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