Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Christmas we will never forget!

Bryce, Aidan, Chris
me, John,
and Carrington
Merry Christmas dear friends!
This family photo is so near and dear to my heart! I cannot describe to you how wonderful it was to be together as a family and having this moment caught forever in time! The joy of this time together was clearly plastered all over our faces! Carrington even requested a 'crazy' photo which was taken where the older boys are holding him and Aidan upside down...I will try to upload it later.
Christmas at the Patterson's has been eventful! Many friends and family stopped by Saturday and we made sugar cookies that night. Chris and Bryce helped round out the evening by playing 'Santa" and finished up the gifts under the tree for the next morning. They have as much fun with this as we do...
Christmas morning was met with much glee and excitement as Carrington ran down the hall way to be greeted by a brand new bike. To that date Carrington has been riding an older 10 speed which his legs were about 10 inches to short for...but with great determination he made due. He would tell us 'It's okay mama - I fall off okay - it's good job!" Which translated means that he jumps off the bike before it crashes to the ground and somehow avoids any bumps or bruises. The new bike is a 22 inch rough terrain cycle and much better suited for such a small boy. Aidan received the Leapster video player and is in hog heaven. Between Santa and all our family and friends, they both are well equiped for many months of fun...
As far as Carrington's introduction to American life, he is doing very well. In fact, Carrington started school 4 weeks ago and to date seems to be doing well. However, we have had several instances where daddy had to show up at school (much to an embarrassed Carrington's dismay). With Carrington there is no grey, only black and white. Justice is very important to him. If one person gets a 'talking to" then the other person should also. As we all know that does not always happen in the schools. Actually, a couple of referrals are already under his belt, but he REALLY likes the Principle, which is good. John convinced him that the Principle is his (John's) friend. He can go to the Principle for anything. The reason this is good is because Carrington really has no reason to trust many adults. (He even told us Christmas Eve morning that one of his teachers stole his CD player, to give to her daughter, and his picture book of his trip here. It was the one he called a bad name while we were there-LOL!He was very matter of fact but says he has his real family now so it doesn't matter...*sniff sniff* little man is so good hearted!) The last time there was a problem in class, Carrington walked right out and went to the office. Of course we had to remind him to ask permission first...the independence issues that follow life in an orpahnage are tough to deal with at times. They are use to being so self sufficient.
The latest incident was when he was being silly in class and the teacher asked him to stand outside. After 5 or so minutes she told him to come in, at which he decided he WOULD NOT...Sooo, that was the first referral :) The second incident was when a game of wresteling got out of hand and Carrington decided "Hey, if you're gonna take someone down, you take them ALL the way down". Not school friendly to say the least. Hence forth daddy's second visit to school.
The children play so rough at the orphanages that it is really hard for them to play any different, but Carrington is adjusting. All is all Carrington has done so well in his transition that it is mind numbing. His English is terrific, and even though he speaks no Ukranian while at home, he and our friends' son Valera talk to each other in their foreign tongue weekly. If it wasn't for his sweet accent, you would never guess he is not a born American. All in all he fits our family like a glove...
We are all so blessed and to have this child in our lives. I am so grateful that he arrived home before the Holidays, and I will always remember this time in our lives where we celebrated Christ's birth and celebrated family caring as a complete and forever family.
Thank you God, you are so good.
Happy New Year to all!


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