Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I heard news today. I called my facilitator and she updated me on the ‘going’s on’ over there in the Ukraine. Apparently they have posted appointment dates for the month of October with dossier numbers in the 14000’s that have been waiting a long time (some up to 2 full years!) My facilitator also stated that the SDA had promised to get to some of the older known children that month, and that the additional list of those children would be finished on Thursday. As I have found out in the past there is no customer service in the Ukraine, and they are NEVER on schedule – so I’m cautiously holding my breath that we will end up on that list. As I said before we are slated for December…and will only be moved if they choose to move us. *sigh*…

So, I will wait till Thursday the call them again and see what they have found out. It is all I can do. Pray and wait. Pray and wait.

In other news, John and I spoke with Stephanie and we were able to discuss in depth a little more concerning her work at Olegs orphanage. First of all I have to crow! I am so proud of Oleg! It would seem that my little man has been paying attention in his English lessons and he is reading English! That’s right! He read my card and everything I wrote to him out loud to all of his friends! Can you believe it? Seven months and the child is now bilingual! I am such a proud mama!!! Stephanie also said that Oleg was very sweet and helpful with her. Apparently a lot of items come up ‘missing’ over there (I have been told that stealing does not have the negative condemnation it does here. It is only considered bad if you get caught – otherwise it is simply classified as survival). Well, when two balls that were essential to a few games they were learning to play came up missing, guess who brought them to her with out being asked? Oleg! He went and found them and made sure she had them. Just one of many stories she told us about. I should be getting the video soon…

Stephanie also told us about the hotel they stayed in. It is a four star hotel that has a restaurant, clean linens, NO BUGS (thank you God!) and is 30 minutes from the orphanage! They hired a driver to travel back and forth to the orphanage and best yet, the hotel is only $45 per night! She said it is four star per ‘American standards’, not Ukrainian – so I am counting my blessings now! The princess has a soft pillow and hot water! Hooray! THIS is GOOD news :)

Stephanie also told us of several projects that the Director is dreaming up for the improvement of the orphanage. One is a wrestling room (VERY big over there). He already has room designated and needs mats and dummies …another is bookshelves for the museum (it has allot of history of their small village, books of other families that have adopted children, etc. It really needs some work. And last but I believe the most important is the day camp the children go to for the summer. It is bout thirty minutes away and it is very rural. It has not plumbing (only rough out houses) and there is nothing for the children to do. The weather there is hot like it is here, and a pool would be great. The only problem is water is not good there…and who would maintain it? And there is the cost of chemicals, etc. Remember I wrote how Oleg LOVED the water? Well, it would appear it is that way for a lot of kids. I think we need to put our thinking caps on and find a way to make the camp more enjoyable for the children, along with a way to teach bible studies and such like my friend Trey does. John and Mike are pros at this and they really have no outline, timeline, or guidance. They are open to suggestions and would love to improve it. If we equip them with the tools of knowledge, they can do it themselves and teach others too. Stephanie’s group does teach bible studies while they are there and it is so popular. The children love to learn about God, and when they are through with the lessons the kids continue to ask questions! These children need to know that there is HOPE for them!

And finally, John has hired someone to start sheeting the outside of the barn next week, and our windows have been ordered and are on their way. So, it is very possible that the whole outside of it could be finished in a couple of weeks. This is good as John really does not want this to move into winter, and his plans are to have it finished before we go to get Oleg.

Tomorrow is another day…what will it bring?


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