Sunday, September 17, 2006

A picture, A picture!!!!!!

Well, as I expected today was a challenging day. I had to go to the fore-mentioned coaches training, we had team pictures and a celebration of Johns birthday! Needless to say we were all pretty tired by the end of it all. After we arrived home I came in and found this pictiure waiting for me from Stephanie. Can you imagine my excitement? I was yelling at John "Get in here and look! It's a picture of Oleg!" Tears and more tears! And a new longing to have our son home! I introduce to you the most current picture of Oleg!
Our sweet Oleg and Stephanie Young...Look how tan he is!
Stephanie wrote in her note "Your son is AWESOME!"
He has been at 'summer camp' (If you can even call it that! Primative camping is more like it!) and I can't get over how much older he looks with the sun bleached hair and that tan! Don't you think he looks like a Califonian already? LOL...I don't think I've ever seen a tan Ukrainian before! I am anxiously waiting for the other pictures and video Stephanie will be sending me. What a great way to end the day huh? Adios!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story. I cried reading how God brought you and Oleg together. Truly these children are meant for the families they get. I feel that way with both my daughters. I pray that you get your appoinment soon.


6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet he will get even tanner next summer with you in California. Yana got sooooo tan this summer even though we coated her with sunblock all the time. We called her Chocolate Yana. We are talking CRAZY tan. I didn't know Ukrainians could tan like that either and we live in NC!! LOL

7:22 AM  

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